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Writer's pictureHarry Tomlinson

5 Reasons to get your boiler serviced..

1) Servicing your boiler keeps you safe and healthy

Carbon Monoxide is a real danger to anyone with a fuel-burning appliance in the home. This toxic gas is odourless, colourless, and tasteless, meaning that most don’t even know they are being poisoned. Regularly servicing your boiler ensures it is combusting fuel safely and efficiently, minimizing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

And for the elderly, vulnerable or those with young children, ensuring you have a working boiler is a must for the months ahead. While to most of us, the boiler breaking down is an inconvenience, for some a lack of heating and hot water can have severe health and financial repercussions.

It's not just homeowners who need to take note of boiler maintenance. An annual boiler service is essential and a relatively inexpensive piece of maintenance to undergo each year.

2) Servicing helps to avoid boiler breakdowns

Once that first cold snap hits, so will the boiler breakdowns. Heating engineers across the country will be inundated with call outs and you are likely to have to wait much longer to get your central heating and hot water back up-and-running – especially if either your engineer or members of your household are having to self-isolate due to coronavirus. 

If you are able to, servicing your boiler now will not only make it much more likely that it is working correctly when you most need it, but you can also choose when to have it serviced on your own terms. No panic, no sitting in the cold, no having to wash in freezing water. No worry either about that unexpected bill or needing to raid the Christmas fund, which brings us nicely onto our next point…

3) Servicing your boiler saves you money

Maintaining an appliance will almost certainly save you money in the long run - the cost of regularly maintaining an appliance can be significantly less than the cost of repairing or replacing an appliance which is not serviced and breaks down. When it comes to household appliances, your boiler is one of the more expensive ones to replace and can cause the most upset to everyday life.

4) It can make your boiler last longer

Boilers are expensive to replace, so just like your car, you should look after it with an annual service. If you’ve read the above, it should be no surprise that regularly serviced boilers tend to outlive those that are not maintained.

5) Warranties

New boiler? If you read the small print on your warranty, you’ll almost exclusively find that it is subject to regular maintenance, so it’s just as important to regularly service a new boiler as it is an old one. 

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